Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Friendships are... interesting out here.  I've met a ton of people, slept in their tents, changed clothes in front of them, carried their pant legs or underwear for them... all kinds of things that in "civilized life" we would never do with someone that we just met the day before.

In some ways, the people we meet out here feel very close very quickly.  I may only know someone for a few days, yet it seems like we have learned so much about each other that it seems we've known each other much longer.  I've mentioned in previous posts that banter can quickly turn to serious topics of conversation and people share fairly freely their darker secrets or broken history.

However, that seems to mean relatively nothing out here.  Of all the people I've met, only one has asked me for how to reach me once we finish the Trail.  I've seen lots of people passing phone numbers, real names, facebook info, etc.  But not me.  I attribute it to being older, a girl, and a Christian.  I just haven't connected to folks on a real friendship level.  They all like me, they share with me, they respect me.  But no one really wants to keep in touch with me.  Sure, I'm not even 30% done with the Trail, and that could all change.  It is just something I've noticed.  I'm not overly lonely, though there are moments I wish I could develop friendships out here on the Trail. 

However, there is another girl that I didn't realize that I've basically been hiking with since the second week out here.  Her name is HoneyB.  I haven't really hiked with her - she's a beast and can trail run (yes, run) miles and miles in a day.  She challenged me to do 24 miles with her yesterday - I did it!  (My knees are killing me today).  She's having a hard time in her personal life.  "Civilized" life is coming undone while she's out here hiking.  So, pray for her.  She told me that her mom really wants to meet me since I've been on the Trail with her daughter since near the beginning.  She's been with a different group, but we've been in the same micro-bubble of people.  I keep seeing her in town.  She gave me a dress to wear in town and while doing laundry (so I don't have to borrow a stranger's rain pants).  And... she told me she wants to get my contact info before we split again.  I hope that happens.  With the guy:girl ratio on the trail being 5:1, it would be nice to develop an actual friendship with another girl on the Trail.

So, this is a bit disjointed, but I'm just splaying a few more thoughts down.  Pray for HoneyB.  And I'm glad that I've had the chance to know her at least now.  And... I'm learning how much I appreciate the long term friends that I have.  That is a gift that may not be as easy to come by as I used to think it should be. 

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