I spent the night in jail on the 4th of July. Ok, ok, so it was a hostel in the basement of what was going to BE a jail in Palmerton PA. However, it never was used as a jail. The police just let thru-hikers stay there now. Still, I got "processed" at the police station and sent down to the jail. Kinda fun.
The day I walked into Palmerton, Barbarosa (the surprised looking guy with the big red beard below) and I walked the 1.5 mile side trail into town. Why? Because we thought it would be hard to hitch. It was hot, buggy, and the trail had this one marshy section that soaked my shoes. I didn't care how long it took tomorrow morning. We were finding a hitch back out of town.
Much to out surprise, Professor (the older hiker sitting next to me in the white hat) was already there. He had a lady pull over at the road and ask if he needed a ride - without him even sticking up his thumb. Now THAT'S Magic! Lisa brought Professor to the jail and then invited him to her family's 4th of July picnic. He asked if he could bring a "few" others. She said sure - she'd swing by with the cargo van. Professor invited all the people you see below (Pink Lady, Me, Professor, and in the back from L-->R: Woodman, Barbarosa, Roadrunner, Subaru).
It was a great day, and we all had our fill of food and fun conversation. The next day, Lisa and her friend Jay slackpacked us from Palmerton to Wind Gap (a 20 mile day). Slackpacking meant she picked up all our gear and we got to hike without our packs on. She dropped our gear off in Wind Gap, and found our way to the Beer Stein there, a place that offers thru-hikers a space to tent behind the bar.
More magic there! We met Lou. From what I can tell Lou is a local and semi-regular at the Beer Stein. He was feeling happy because his horse won something or other in some race (I didn't quite follow the inebriated progression). What I did follow was that Lou was buying rounds and food for ALL the thru-hikers there - about a dozen of us. Really nice of Lou. Great guy. Thanks Lou!
So, now I've spent the night in jail and then in a bar. The next day, I hiked to Delaware Water Gap, where I decided it was high time to get some religion. So I spent two nights at a church hostel nursing a summer cold. And I got my new boots! Time to keep hiking!
Oh, by the way, do notice the dress I'm wearing. Yes, that's pink and orange and white. Yes, that's pattern. Yes, I picked it out all by myself from Goodwill before going to Gettysburg (well, I picked it out, but I got feedback from another hiker). And yes, I may actually consider wearing this once I get home. It's really comfy.
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