People are so willing to help! I think my GenX brain has been too cynical about humanity. Perhaps I should give them a chance now and again (part of my DSS recovery program).
Here's the scoop... I get to stay another night at the nurse's house, but they are going to be very busy the next few days and I figured it would just be better to not overextend their generosity. I met another ex-nurse today, who happens to be a trail maintainer as well as avid hiker. Her name is Mother Nature. Between her and Cathy, they are going to keep on eye on my back until I hike out. I will be staying at a retreat center for the next 4 days - my own room and food is included, and very inexpensive. Yes, that's a LOT of time off trail, but I think it will give me the best chance to finish my thru-hike successfully. As well as give me the best chance not to get a return infection. The two nurses also said that if I needed a place to stay after 4 more days, they'd help me figure something out - I could come back to one of their houses or whatnot. In short, the almost 40 year old hiker is totally getting "mom-ed". And I can't say I'm minding it a bit.
In addition to the nurses, my sister has a friend that was willing to let me stay at her place, and that may yet be a possibility if I find I hike out too early or something like that. She's a ways off the Trail - even by car standards - so the retreat center seemed better since it's only a couple miles off Trail.
I confided in some of you that I was considering ending my hike. Actually, I wasn't quite ready to come home yet, but I was considering skipping ahead, seeing some of the highlights, doing several days of day hikes, and then cutting my time short. After all, I've hiked more than 1500 miles. No one can really snub that, can they? And no one who loves me would. I trust that. You'd all be proud of me. And really... I'd be pretty darn happy with that as well. I didn't come out here to just walk 2185.9 miles. I came out here to experience the Trail, to learn, to grow, to help, to listen, to be an oasis. I think I've done that. So, I don't think I'd have any regrets if I did come home sooner.
But then... Cathy, Shawn, and I went out for dinner last night. On the ride back to their house we passed by 3 hikers hitching into town. (We couldn't have picked them up. They drive a cute and tiny little car that wouldn't have fit 1 hiker plus pack, much less 3.) As soon as I saw them, I just knew. I wasn't ready to stop being a thru-hiker. I wasn't ready to cease being a part of that community. Sure, I know that when I get back on Trail, I'll have to meet new people. Everyone I know will be ahead. But, that's OK. I'm sure I'll meet people. And even if I don't, I just want to be on the Trail. Will I feel that way for the remainder 30% I have left of the Trail? I don't know. But for now, that's where I'm at. I want to hike.
The cool thing is that I think the Trail (and God) really was giving me the choice. There was no "perfect" way to go. Either would have been fine and acceptable. Sure, I could be wrong; hindsight will probably tell me that later if it feels the need. But for now, it's like God said, "You love this Trail. You love your home. There are good things waiting for you in each. You can choose where you want to spend the next bit of time." The call of Trail and Home were both very strong. I know that when I leave the Trail, I won't ever visit it again... at least not often and not for long, and not in the community of being a thru-hiker (unless God has very different plans than I do). And I hope I do not sound like I'm taking Home for granted, but Home will be there when I summit Katahdin. It is still here while I'm hiking. You are all surrounding me in spirit every moment, on Trail and on zero days. I miss seeing so many of you in person, but I know you are with me in spirit.
So... let's keep hiking!
Random beauty |
Local little girl and her cute little kitten! Awwwwwwww... |
Jersey-ites consider this a good place to swim... see below where we swim on the AT. No, the beach isn't officially on the Trail. Road Trip!!!! |
No, the 9/11 memorial is also not on the Trail. But is on the way back to the Trail from Jersey Shore. |
However, a very large statue of Walt Whitman IS on the Trail. And I love Walt. |
Umm, hiker humor. Sorry. We all thought it was really funny... enough to take pictures. I blame the heat. |
More random beauty |
Cocoa - the wonder hiking dog!!!! This is Angel Mary's dog. Yes, the Chihuahua hikes the Trail. Yes, those are Chihuahua-sized sunglasses. Yes, she wears them. |
Very awesome random beauty |
Brownie Brittle and her car full of goodies. Thanks for the slack pack! |
Barbarosa and Waffles in front of a stuffed elephant at the largest Cabela's store. |
I stepped right over this guy on the Trail without noticing him until Barbarosa pointed him out. Oops. |
This is where thru-hikers swim in Jersey. |
And this is how hikers FIND the unmarked trail to the beach to swim. Yet another use for trekking poles. |
By the way, I won't have computer access while I'm at the retreat center. Though I should have limited cell signal (I can get it about 100 yards down the road).
Good to hear your update and your renewed sense of direction for the next stage. Glad to hear you are being well taken care of. Everyone needs a personal retreat now and then, right. You wouldn't have planned for 4 days of it right now, but I'm sure it'll do you good. I'm glad to hear you are taking the time to heal before heading out again. I wonder what cool people you'll meet when you get back on the trail to continue your hike. Love you.